

Located in Huancavelica (228 km Highway South Panamerican desviation 112 km Via Libertadores)

Huaytara is one of the most important archeological sites in the department of Huancavelica.

In the city of Huaytara itself, outstands the Dos Ventanas Palace. This inca palace is a trapezium shaped edifice 98 ft. long, entirely in stone.

The finish to the mansory, the trapezoidal triple jamb openings, lintels, niches and enclosures reveal an extremely sofisticated structure used for domestic and ceremonial purposes by the higest strata of the Inca Elite.

The base of this palace was used in the colonial era as the base for a church. Inside you can appreciate the religious sincretism pretended with this colonial edification.

Next to the church is a spacious inca bath, a granite formation that used to be filled with water brought by carved channels.

Forty minutes away we find other archeaological sites of interest; the inka Huasi, the Andenerías of Sumac Pata or Chatahuaraca and the place Museum with more than a thousand objects in permanent exhibition.

Necessary time to visit Huaytara: A complete day.

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