lodging restaurant bar
Panamericana Sur Km.336 Pisco - Ica - Peru
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  Welcome ! ! !

just three hours away from Lima, in the middle of the country you can find the Granja San Antonio. It has 14 hectáreas of field all to your dispossition to be enjoyed in tranquility and with total security.

the Granja San Antonio is totally fenced, has electric power (220V), in case of black outs, we have our own electric generator. If you are concerned about your security, we have permanent security guards.

we invite you to enjoy of our rustic style comfortable rooms, our fresh pool, and our fields of volley ball and soccer.

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GRANJA SAN ANTONIO , Panamericana Sur Km. 236
Pisco - Ica - Perú
RESERVACIONES: 51 56 536543 zarcillo@terra.com.pe